Friday, 14 August 2020

How Does Juicing Benefit You?

Everybody agrees that fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables, greens are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. These nutrient-rich food sources help keep our bodies healthy by helping us lose weight, improve heart health, cut down the risk of diseases related to heart and also cancer. In the food pyramid which shows how our daily food intake should be the bottom most part - the broadest part of the pyramid shows fruits, vegetables and greens. 

Given our modern fast-paced lifestyles it is also possible that we are not consuming as much of the fresh produce as we should. A solution in the form of fresh juice as taken over as the next best thing in the world of health eating. Juicing industry has taken off in a big way because more people are drinking juices to compensate for the lack of vegetables and fruits in their daily diet. You can't eat a whole lot of vegetables probably but you can definitely drinks a glass or two of fresh juice.

Thousands of folks drink fresh juice every morning to power through the day. They find fresh juice gives a boost to their energy levels. Many are amazed at how well and full of life they well after drinking fresh juice. With people leading busy lives it is no wonder that juice has become just a vital component of their lives. 

Folks might not always have time to put together balanced meals with carbs, proteins and fats and eat it with all the running around they do. But drinking a glass of freshly made juice with a variety of fruits and vegetables included is not all that difficult. Kids may refuse a plate of salad vegetables but will not say no to fresh juice. 

While it is not the best way to consume them as fiber is mostly removed it is still better than going with out any veggies. Juice is great way to include a variety of nutrients in concentrated form in our meals without too much hassle.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, leafy greens, nuts, seeds are bursting with nutrients. They contain vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fiber, which are essential to leading a healthy life. Eating more fresh produce regularly can aid in weight loss, better heart health and also cuts the risk of chronic diseases and cancer. Fruits, vegetables, greens should make up for a major portion of our daily food intake. They should be the biggest block at the bottom of the food pyramid. But it is not always possible to eat so much fresh produce in a day. 

Juicing helps concentrate a whole lot of fresh produce into more consumable form. You may not exactly be able to eat a cucumber, couple of tomatoes, an apple, a carrot, a bunch of spinach, a piece of ginger, a wedge of lemon, some grapes, a bell pepper or two, right? But in juice form all this fresh produce might make a glass of juice. 

Drinking juice of fresh fruits, vegetables and greens in different combinations and varieties has become part of daily life for thousands of families. Most families lead very busy lives with school and after school activities, work commitments, family commitments and more. There is barely time to put together a meal let alone balance it with the right mix of carbs, proteins and fats. 

Juicing is easy and convenient way to get all the required nutrients in concentrated and easy to consume form. With a juicer under $100 you can make variety of juices. Even those who baulk at the idea of their vegetables are less likely to protest drinking them in juice form. 

While juicing is not the best way to eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, it is generally agreed that it is easiest way to consume it. Yes fiber is lost and so is some of the nutrition. But when you contrast that against getting Junior to eat his peas or beets, it is easy choice to make for busy parents.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Celery Juice - The Wonder Juice In The World Of Nutrition

Drinking celery juice daily is health trend of the year. But there is nothing new about how good celery juice is for you. It been a known fact for ages. The Chinese having using celery for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Why is celery considered so good for you? What is it's nutritional profile? How to make celery juice so, it retains all its beneficial properties and you can benefit from it. Celery juice tastes great on its own or as part several other vegetables and fruits. You can use it as part of a juice or a smoothie. Either way it is delicious and full of vital nutrients and antioxidants. Make celery juice a part of your daily routine and enjoy the incredible health benefits it brings. Thousands of people are drinking this every day and enjoying better health and more energetic.

When juicing celery don't you want to retain maximum nutrition. After all you are go through all the trouble of juicing so has to make the most of its goodness. The problem with celery is that it is composed of tough and stringy fiber which are very difficult to juice. The stringy fibers get entangled in blades or block the juice outlets. If using a centrifugal machine or a vertical masticating juicer cut the celery into inch long pieces. A horizontal masticating juicer can handle it better but it might sometimes get entangled in the auger of the juicer. If the juicer has reverse function use it to untangle the fibers. Else, cut celery into smaller pieces next time. The best juicers to handle celery are the triturating machines with twin-gear assembly. But those machines are complex to operate and assemble. Masticating juicers retain most amount of nutrition due to the slow nature of juicing.

There are other ways to get juice out of celery, like using your blender. You need a powerful blender for this. But there is the problem of having to filter the juice and separating the pulp. This requires that you use a filter which leads to loss nutrition and juice during the filtering process. Again you need to chop celery to prevent it from stalling the blades. The best way to juice celery without too much trouble but with maximum nutrition and juice yield is to use a horizontal masticating juicer. These machines are not too complex to operate and provide great yields. The quality of juice is excellent too. The stringy fibers get entangled in blades or form large balls blocking exits. This problem has been noted with both vertical masticating juicers and with centrifugal juicers. To prevent this problem from stalling your machine, cut the celery stalks into smaller pieces before feeding it into the juicer.

If you want the best juicer for celery and don't mind paying for it, a triturating twin-gear juicer is the best method to extract celery juice. It produces maximum yield with minimal loss of nutrition or taste. The problem with triturating juicers especially if you are a newly minted juicer, is that it takes a long time to learn how to juice with them. The learning process is also difficult as assembly to operation everything is complicated. High cost is a also a deterrent. As a beginner level juicer it is best to go for a less complicated and far easier to operate machine like a horizontal masticating juicer. The juice yield is high, the taste excellent and nutrition quality is also great. You can actually keep it refrigerated in the fridge for 3 days without loss of taste or nutrition.