Monday 5 June 2023

Breville Juice Fountain Plus - Is it a Good juicing machine?

Breville Juice Fountain Plus

 The Breville Juice Fountain Plus is a good juicing machine by many users and experts. Factors that contribute to its positive reputation are:

1. Powerful motor: The Juice Fountain Plus is equipped with a powerful motor that enables efficient juicing of a variety of fruits and vegetables. It can handle tougher produce, such as carrots or beets, with ease.

2. Wide feeding chute: This juicer features a wide 3-inch feeding chute, allowing you to insert larger pieces of produce or even whole fruits and vegetables without the need for extensive pre-cutting.

3. Fast juicing speed: The Breville Juice Fountain Plus operates at a high speed, which enables quick extraction of juice. This can be particularly convenient when you're short on time or need to prepare large quantities of juice.

4. Easy to use and clean: The juicer's design includes user-friendly features such as a simple on/off switch and dishwasher-safe parts, making it easy to assemble, operate, and clean up after juicing.

5. Solid build quality: Breville is known for producing appliances with sturdy construction, and the Juice Fountain Plus is no exception. It is built to withstand regular use and has a durable stainless steel cutting disc.

6. Good juice extraction: Users report that the Breville Juice Fountain Plus effectively extracts juice, resulting in high yields and relatively dry pulp, indicating efficient juice extraction.

However, it's important to note that no juicer is perfect for everyone, and individual preferences may vary. Some potential considerations with the Breville Juice Fountain Plus are:

1. Centrifugal juicing: The Juice Fountain Plus uses centrifugal force to extract juice, which can introduce more oxidation and potentially reduce the shelf life of the juice compared to slow or cold press juicers.

2. Noise level: Centrifugal juicers like the Juice Fountain Plus tend to be louder than slow juicers due to the high-speed spinning of the cutting disc. If noise is a concern for you, a slow juicer may be a quieter alternative.

Ultimately, whether the Breville Juice Fountain Plus is the right juicer for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. It's recommended to consider your juicing goals, the types of produce you plan to juice, and your preferred juicing method before making a purchasing decision. Reading customer reviews and comparing different juicer models can also provide additional insights to help inform your choice.

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